Biden Slips Further Back to Failed China Policies
Biden has edged back to the accommodation policies of the Clinton and Obama administrations.

Democracy Wins Again — Now Trump Should Set China Straight on Taiwan
◎ Trump should demonstrate the same vision of the national interest with China as he has displayed on Iran.

China, Russia, North Korea, Iran: Confronting the New Axis of Aggression and Evil
◎ The threats to global security go beyond those from the major “revisionist” powers.

Taiwan and the US are in Sync as Security Partners Against Communist China’s Aggression
◎ Washington’s view of its security partnership with Taiwan has evolved.

Trump Should Return to What Worked on North Korea, and in the Cold War
◎ President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un are back to square one.

Congress Should Finish What it Started and Help the Uyghurs
◎ The United States Congress has been determined not to remain on the moral sidelines as the Chinese Communist Party wields its dictatorial powers against the populations subject to its rule.

One China (unreformed), Two Henrys (unrepentant)
◎ What distinguishes the Trump administration from its predecessors is the recognition that decades of U.S. engagement with China have utterly failed.

Trump’s Monumental Decision on Hong Kong
◎ The course of action Trump chooses will have broad implications for the future of U.S.-China relations, and for the security and confidence of Taiwan.

Trump Must Regain His Advantage Over Xi Jinping and Kim Jong Un
◎ Whatever else happens in and to his presidency, a historic positive legacy awaits Trump if he re-grasps the opportunity he alone created.

Human Rights: Help or Hindrance to Toppling Dictators?
◎ Trump’s demands for structural economic change in China, if actually implemented by Beijing, could finally bring accompanying political reforms.
Deputy Director of the Centre for Geopolitics, Cambridge University
Deputy Director of the Centre for Geopolitics, Cambridge University
Deputy Director of the Centre for Geopolitics, Cambridge University