Biden Slips Further Back to Failed China Policies
Biden has edged back to the accommodation policies of the Clinton and Obama administrations.

Biden’s Will to Resist China is Faltering
The Biden team seems to believe it can achieve a kind of Cool War modus vivendi with Beijing.

After Abandoning Afghanistan, Biden Urgently Needs Clarity on Taiwan
◎ The need is even more critical after Biden’s callous and calamitous abandonment of Afghanistan in stark violation of his administration’s professed commitment to human rights and multilateralism.

Biden Zigzags On China Policy
◎ There are two serious problems with the intended Biden approach toward China.

Communist China’s Genocide Must Be Stopped
◎ The world can can build a consensus that Communist China is rapidly approaching, or already has achieved, pariah state status.

The Biden Administration Continues to Send Mixed Messages on China
◎ Biden’s hopscotching back and forth between Clinton-Bush-Obama engagement policies and Trump pushback have immense national security consequences for America.

Biden Just Weakened His China Policy and Did Xi a Big Favor
◎ The Biden administration is backsliding on the enforcement of Trump’s crackdown on U.S. investment in Chinese technology companies that support the PLA.

The Election Aftermath and America’s Adversaries
◎ On dealing with China and Russia—America’s two greatest existential challengers—the Trump administration has built a more solid foundation than what it inherited.

Trump Team Reinforces a Fundamental Reality: China Must Change
◎ The Trump administration has been meeting China’s challenge on a number of fronts.

Henry Kissinger Is Decades Late in Recognizing China’s Aggressive Nature
◎ For Kissinger, there was never the right time or opportunity to promote change in China.
Deputy Director of the Centre for Geopolitics, Cambridge University
Deputy Director of the Centre for Geopolitics, Cambridge University
Deputy Director of the Centre for Geopolitics, Cambridge University