China’s Banking Trouble Points to Financial Contagion, Declining Economy
Bank trouble in China could in turn worsen social and economic instability in China to the detriment of Xi Jinping and the CCP.

Political Risk Watch: Xi Slams Bureaucratism After Beijing Residents Protest
◎ Over a hundred residents of Beijing Chaoyang District’s Feijia Village marched in the streets on Dec. 10 to protest the Beijing municipal government’s forced eviction of the “low-end population” from the city.

Political Risk Watch: Chinese Netizens Liken Beijing Migrant Eviction to ‘Anti-Chinese’ Discrimination Abroad
◎ Eviction campaigns like the one in Beijing will exacerbate the already very intense social conflicts and heighten political risk across China’s provinces.

New York Stock Exchange-listed Chinese Education Group Faces Allegations of Child Sexual Abuse
◎ Mainland Chinese press has been carrying reports of child abuse by a kindergarten run by RYB Education since Nov. 22.

Legal Watch: Falun Gong Adherent Acquitted in Spiritual Practice’s Birthplace
◎ How the Xi administration handles the Falun Gong issue will be an important benchmark of his dedication to legal reform.

China’s ‘Warren Buffett’ May Be Caught up in Anti-corruption Drive
◎ The CCP declared open season on financial sector corruption after the 19th Party Congress.

Punishing of Famous Actress Puts Chinese Financiers on Notice
◎ The probe of the financial sector will affect the princelings and other high-ranking CCP officials.

Exploding Meteor Over China Augurs Ill for CCP Elder
◎ Chinese astrologists from Hong Kong note that the exploding meteor is an ill-omen for Jiang Zemin.

Sichuan Authorities Use SWAT Teams Against Massive Protests, then Compromise
◎ Tens of thousands of residents in Renshou County in Meishan City, Sichuan Province took to the streets for several nights starting Sept. 21.