Biden Slips Further Back to Failed China Policies
Biden has edged back to the accommodation policies of the Clinton and Obama administrations.

The End of Strategic Ambiguity on Taiwan?
◎ Is the United States government about to declare a clear and firm commitment to defend Taiwan?

Post-shutdown, Trump Must Get Tough with Foreign Adversaries
◎ History has taught that an American president’s credibility on a major U.S. domestic issue can be transferable to tests of will in the international arena, for good or ill.

The 1995-96 Taiwan Strait Crisis: Three What Ifs?
◎ There has been much talk about the recent comments of a Chinese military official issuing a dire warning against the United States resisting China’s aggression in the region.

Time Running Out to Stop China’s New cold-war Aggressions
◎ The United States and other countries in the West no longer can avoid joining the cold war that China has been waging unilaterally for the entire 40-year period of engagement.

Year of Decision for Trump and Xi on Taiwan
◎ Of the many foreign policy challenges confronting President Trump in 2019, ensuring the democratic security of Taiwan may prove as daunting, and as dangerous, as resolving the North Korea nuclear crisis.

No ‘Middle Way’ in US-China Struggle — China Must Change
◎ From its establishment, Communist China has been committed to the destruction or the drastic reconstruction of the global order

In the New China-US Cold War, Will Xi or Trump Blink First?
◎ Pence’s message to Beijing was firm and clear: “The United States … will not change course until China changes its ways.”

Trump’s Tough-love Policy for China
◎ Trump’s increasingly hard-nosed policies can steer China away from a course that is leading inevitably to outright conflict with the West.

Scrap the Third Communique With China, Keep the Six Assurances to Taiwan
◎ President Donald Trump has not hesitated to tear up international commitments made by his predecessors if he determines they are not in America’s national interest.
Deputy Director of the Centre for Geopolitics, Cambridge University
Deputy Director of the Centre for Geopolitics, Cambridge University
Deputy Director of the Centre for Geopolitics, Cambridge University