Official Data, Other Signs Hint at Bad State of China’s Economy
China’s sole engine driving growth is losing steam.

Xi’s Political Pressures Skyrocket Amid ‘Perfect Storm’ of Crises
Economic worries are just one dimension of the challenges facing Beijing.

Official Data Deepens Pessimism Over the Chinese Economy
Several metrics suggest that China is in a recession and experiencing deflation.

Behind China’s 2020 Economic Numbers
◎ A closer look at official data reveals a wobbly economy on the verge of crisis, and not solid “recovery” or healthy “growth.”

What Happened to Ant Group’s World-Record IPO?
◎ Ma’s speech is unlikely the driving reason behind Beijing pulling the plug on Ant.

Risk Watch: Wuhan Epidemic Paralyzes China’s Economy, Threatening Global Impact
◎ A wave of economic shocks is coming to countries with significant China trade as the novel coronavirus epidemic halts production, travel, and supply chains.

Risk Watch: The CCP’s Strategic Intentions Behind the Hong Kong Exchange’s Bid for the London Exchange
◎ We have reason to suspect that the CCP has strategic intentions behind the HKEX move for the LSE.

Risk Watch: China Economic Rebound? Major Shareholders Vote with Their Feet
◎China will find it hard to sustain the economic “recovery” in April. ◎Risks of a stock market crash are greater than before.

Risk Watch: China Broadens Issuance of Local Government Bonds to Defer Crisis
◎ The CCP is putting its political credit on the line by making local bonds available over the counter.

Risk Watch: The Chinese Stock Market Plunge and Factional Politics
◎ The timing of the plunge and other odd developments suggest that CCP factional politics could be a factor influencing the recent sell-offs.
Deputy Director of the Centre for Geopolitics, Cambridge University
Deputy Director of the Centre for Geopolitics, Cambridge University
Deputy Director of the Centre for Geopolitics, Cambridge University