BARRON’S: The Main Obstacles To Chinese Growth
By AFP The finances of some local authorities are stretched to the limit, after three years of astronomical spending to
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ET: Crisis & fears – What are the main obstacles to Chinese growth?
By The Economic Times The finances of some local authorities are stretched to the limit, after three years of astronomical

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By AFP The nine officials fired on Friday from the National People’s Congress sat in parliament as non-elected representatives. Their

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BARRON’S: How China Is Responding To Economic Challenges
By AFP – Agence France Presse The Chinese government’s “increasingly authoritarian efforts to control Chinese society and draconian legislation like

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FD: Boze huiseigenaren en frauderende banken voeden zorgen over Chinese systeemcrisis
By Anouk Eigenraam ### Goed om te zien dat u mogelijk anderen inspireert met onze journalistieke content. We vragen u

FORTUNE: Bank customers demanding their money back staged China’s largest protest in years. The violent episode is the ‘tip of the iceberg’ of China’s looming banking crisis
By Grady Mcgregor SinoInsider, a U.S.-based risk consultancy, concurs. The group wrote last week that the problems in Henan are
Deputy Director of the Centre for Geopolitics, Cambridge University
Deputy Director of the Centre for Geopolitics, Cambridge University
Deputy Director of the Centre for Geopolitics, Cambridge University