BARRON’S: The Main Obstacles To Chinese Growth
By AFP The finances of some local authorities are stretched to the limit, after three years of astronomical spending to
Media Elsewhere

THE TIMES: Coronavirus: China had ten times more ‘flu’ cases than usual in December
By Didi Tang The figures published by China’s Centre for Disease Control and Prevention were highlighted by SindoInsider, a Taiwanese

ThePrint: Modi must look at Xi’s military modernisation in last 8 yrs to understand Galwan aggression
By SRIJAN SHUKLA Military reforms are hard in China Authoritarian governments rely on their armies to stay in power. And

AEI: More on China probably hiding COVID
By AEIdeas SinoInsider just called attention to Chinese infectious disease reports suggesting earlier or faster than reported spread of COVID-19. The health

AFP: Cautious hopes before new round of US-China trade talks
It will be tougher for Xi to push reforms follwing US criticism of Beijing’s human rights record and an open

Washington Times: Countering pro-China experts’ letter
By Bill Gertz Three China hands at the newsletter SinoInsider criticized the open letter, arguing that the signers failed to recognize that while China is

El Tiempo: Frente a protestas en Hong Kong, el gobierno chino actúa con cautela
El domingo, se ha convocado una nueva concentración en Hong Kong, susceptible de derivar en nuevas tensiones entre los manifestantes

AFP: Le nouveau virus, un test pour la Chine de Xi Jinping
« La confirmation par Xi Jinping de la propagation du nouveau virus montre que la situation est très grave »,

The National Interest: Will a Failing China Attack America?
by Gordon G. Chang And there was one more reason for the Central Committee to hold the plenum. “U.S. policy on

JPR: Wall Street Elites Against Democracy? A Case Study in Pro-China Media Bias
By Anders Corr, Ph.D. SinoInsider agreed with Dr. Navarro’s characterization of China’s influence operations on November 20. “Based on our observation, the