China Outlook 2025: Crises Set to Worsen for Xi and the CCP
Our China 2025 outlook contains 32 predictions covering eight categories.
Politics Watch: Analyzing the Hong Kong Legislature Break-in
◎ There are several questionable details about the legislature break-in incident.
Politics Watch: G20 ‘Loser’ Xi Faces Increased Political Risks at Home
◎ Unless Xi resolves factional politics at home, China and the U.S. will find it very hard to get a trade deal.
Politics Watch: CCP ‘Self-reform,’ Global Times on CCTV, and the Factional Struggle
◎ Xi is reasserting his paramount authority in the face of political pushback.
Politics Watch: Why the Chinese Ambassador to Britain is Rejecting Beijing’s Role in the Hong Kong Extradition Law
◎ Hong Kong’s chief executive and pro-Beijing lawmakers will likely try to determine Party central’s intention from Liu Xiaoming’s remarks and act accordingly.
Politics Watch: How the CCP Factional Struggle Could Trigger a Tiananmen-like Event in Hong Kong
◎ The present situation in Hong Kong is ripe for Xi’s political rivals to exploit and shift the balance of the struggle.
Politics Watch: The Hong Kong Extradition Law and the CCP Factional Struggle
◎ Xi’s political rivals are “weaponizing” Party orthodoxy against the Xi camp in Hong Kong affairs.
Politics Watch: The Multiple Political Signals in Xi’s Jiangxi Tour
◎ Several political signals in Xi’s inspection trip to Jiangxi are meant for different groups within the Party.
Politics Watch: Probe of Liu Shiyu Sharply Raises Xi’s Political Risks
◎ The investigation of Liu Shiyu comes after an escalation in the Sino-U.S. trade war in early May and a worsening of bilateral relations.
Politics Watch: US Tariffs Heighten Political Dilemmas in China
◎ Beijing’s response to the trade war is shaped by the complexities of the CCP factional struggle.